Laural Ballew smiling at the camera in front of a building

Tlingit: Kaanaagoot yóo xat duwasáakw, Ye’il L’uknax.adi L’ook Hit Yadi áyá ­xát, Shangunkeidi yádi áyá ­xát. (I am Kaanaagoot Raven Coho Clan of the Small Coho House, and a Child of the Thunderbird Clan) Anishinaabe: Niizh Anakwud Waaswaagoning nindodem Makwa (I am Two Clouds From Lac du Flambeau , my clan is Bear). Buster is Anishinaabe and a member of the Tlingit Tribe of Alaska.  He grew up in Northern Wisconsin on the Lac du Flambeau Chippewa Reservation.  He is part of the Bear Clan and Raven Coho clan.  Buster has an undergraduate degree in Geology from IUPUI, a Master’s degree in Soil Science, and is currently in his Ph.D. program in Archeology at Purdue University.  Buster is a Sequoya Fellow of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society and a Sloan Foundation Indigenous Graduate Partnership Scholar. Buster is currently focused on creating a story using the Tlingit concept of Ha At.óowu (Our Sacred Clan Items.) as a lens to focus on how current archaeological evidence of early human habitation and permanent Tlingit settlement in Southeast Alaska (SEAK).  The settlement of SEAK seems to be driven by the use and innovation of fish-catching technology in the region and is reflected in Tlingit oral traditions. His other interests are the Tlingit and Anishinaabeg lifeways, particularly Ojibwe okeywag (ice-spearing fish decoys), Tlingit art, the Old Copper Complex of Wisconsin, and experimental archaeology.